Monday, November 30, 2009

I'm Heading Out on Tour!

Hey Everyone!

Well, tomorrow is a big day. Why is that? Well, tomorrow I’m heading out on tour!

I’m going to be touring the internet to promote my new novel HARD. It’s being released by the good people at Breathless Press. Even better, it’s their first ever m/m romance novel and is going to launch their new m/m line!

How cool is that?

Here’s a list of everywhere I’m going to be for the next two weeks.

December 1st

December 2nd

December 3rd

December 4th

December 5th

December 6th

December 7th

December 8th

December 9th

December 10th

December 11th

December 12th

December 13th

December 14th

I’m going to be quite busy but you know what? I’m going to have a darn good time. I hope you join me on what promises to be an incredible tour!


Let's Get Hard!

Hey Everyone!

Welcome to the blog for HARD, my new novel from Breathless Press!

While you’re here, check out all the freebies that are available including a little bit about Hard, an excerpt, a puzzle, a soundtrack, a book trailer and even a free ebook download.

I’m so thrilled about this release and there are more surprises to come. Just make sure to check back often as there’s going to be a lot going on!


Hard but Puzzling

Have a few minutes you want to waste? Why not enjoy them by trying your hand at a Hard puzzle (pun intended!) featuring the cover of my new novel HARD

Click below to get started!

Click to Mix and Solve

Hard - The Movie

Hey Everyone!

Click below to enjoy the book trailer I created for Hard!

FREE EBOOK - Hardening

My novella, HARD, came about by accident.

I had sat down to write what I thought would be a bittersweet story of a young man in love with his best friend. It was still a sweet story with an extra bit of spice thrown in for good measure.

I had written the novella as a free give away for Breathless Press. But Breathless Press loved the novella so much, they decided to publish it instead!

I was thrilled to pieces, as you can well imagine. But through out all the excitement, I kept wondering what happened after HARD.

For those of you who’ve read the novel, you’ll know that it has a happy ending but some questions are left unanswered.

Though HARD felt complete, I couldn’t stop myself from wondering what happened afterwards. I wanted to explore the storyline a bit further and see what would happen.

HARDENING is the result. I sincerely hope you enjoy it. It’s a heck of a lot more racy than HARD but I had a wonderful time writing it.

You can download your very own copy of HARDENING for FREE by clicking here:

If you haven’t read HARD, you can still read HARDENING and enjoy it. But I think you’ll get the full emotional impact if you read both stories back to back. You can get your copy of HARD from the lovely people at Breathless Press by clicking here:

Want to get even Harder? Why not listen to Hard Candy, an EP for my new novel Hard!

I wanted to do a short EP for Hard for a couple of reasons. First of all because I find that the story, though short, goes through three different stages of emotion. I wanted to have music reflect that.

I also love doing soundtracks for my novels. What better way to bring a book to life, and to further the reading experience, than by creating a soundtrack?

I hope you and others enjoy the soundtrack and I really do hope that it brings the book to life for you!

I’ve included the liner notes for you. You’re free to download the songs and burn them to a CD and enjoy them again and again.





Sunday, November 22, 2009

An Excerpt From Hard...

More than anything, Owen remembered the taste of him.

You never forget the first one. Nineteen and horny, they did what guy friends did together. Daniel and him used look at porn in Owen’s bedroom. He could smell it even now: the scent of fresh paint, sweat and heat. He remembered the way Daniel smelled sitting beside him: spicy, as if his skin was burning.

Sometimes, after they were really turned on, they would lie next to each other, rub their crotches together. Sometimes, Daniel would even lie on top of him, pressing his crotch into Owen’s.

He remembered how good it felt to rub his body against Daniels. How flushed he got in his cheeks, his crotch so hot it felt as if it would go ablaze. He knew that it wasn’t right to get hard when fooling around with another boy.

But Owen wanted to, needed to, anyways.

It had been an eye opener. He had not been able to get an erection while thinking of girls, but one thought of his friend’s body pressed against his and he felt hard all over.

Daniel always said he was straight. “I’d never have sex a guy,” he’d say. “I wouldn’t know what to do.” But there would be a look in Daniel’s eyes that had made Owen wonder. Sometimes, Owen caught Daniel looking at his crotch, at his hard dick straining against the front of his jeans.

At night, after Daniel had gone home, Owen would lie on his bed and think of Daniel. He pictured Daniel’s straight brown hair that framed his face in crude spikes, the greenness of his best friend’s eyes.

He would picture the tight mound of Daniel’s crotch as his own dick strained against the fabric of his pants.

These thoughts would take him into sleep. In his dreams, he was able to do what he knew could never happen; he was able to touch Daniel. He was able to run his hands all over Daniel’s hard body.

He would wake, his sheets soaked with cum, his dick still hard and dripping.

After the euphoria, a slight sadness would settle in. Owen knew that dreams could never be reality. Daniel would reject him if he knew how Owen felt. Owen knew Daniel would never talk to him again if he had any inkling of Owen’s feelings.

If Daniel found out, he would leave Owen and Owen would lose the man he loved. He had been friends with Daniel so long that the boy he had been was a thing of the past. Instead, all Owen could see was a gorgeous man.

But Daniel would never love him back.

All that Daniel worried about came into sharp focus on a hot summer afternoon. The windows were open and a light summer breeze filled the air. Owen’s parents were at the cottage and he had the house to himself.

Except for Daniel that is. Knowing that Owen had the house to himself, Daniel had rented some porn and was brining it over with a few stolen beers. Owen wondered if it was wise to drink something that would lower his inhibitions around Daniel.

He had enough of a hard time controlling himself around his friend as it was.

But Owen could never say no to Daniel. Not for anything.

About HARD

Owen’s best friend makes him hard.

He’s been in love with Daniel for years, but could never tell him. If Daniel knew how Owen felt about him, Owen knew that he would lose him. And that his heart would break.

Owen dreamed of kissing Daniel, of touching him. But the most they had done was look at porn together. Owen knew that his dreams would never become a reality

……until Daniel rents some gay porn by accident and he becomes just as hard as Owen…


Jamieson Wolf | Copyright 2009