Monday, December 14, 2009

The Final Hard Stop!

Hey Everyone!

Well, it’s been a long tour, but I’ve had an incredible amount of fun. Today I’m on my last tour stop to promote my new m/m novel HARD, available now from Breathless Press!

I’m guest posting at Tara S. Nichols blog here:
And I’m talking about the true life story behind Hard. I know you might have read it before, but it seems to be the post that’s getting the most reaction.

If you haven’t gotten your copy of HARD, make sure to do so by clicking here:

And, if you haven’t downloaded all the free goodies, including a free ebook, a free soundtrack, a free podcast and more, make sure to check out the Hard Blog at

It’s been an incredible tour and I’ve met so many lovely people. The response to HARD has been HUGE (Pun intended LOL)!

I have some fantastic news for you, for those of you who have read and loved Hard or Hardening. Are you sitting down? Comfortably? Excellent.

I’ve finished the first edits for Harder, so be on the look out for more news about the trilogy soon! Harder takes a look at Owen a few years later and what happens when his work crush fantasy becomes a reality! Woohooo!

Stay tuned for more news and thanks for joining me on the tour everyone! You’re all lovely!



Jamieson Wolf | Copyright 2009